Caminata de lectura en la comprensión lectora en estudiantes del cuarto grado de educación Primaria - Aucayacu, 2023
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Instituto Superior Pedagogico Publico José Crespo y Castillo
Caminata de lectura en la comprensión lectora en estudiantes del cuarto grado de educación primaria - Aucayacu, 2023. Objetivo: Determinar la influencia de la estrategia caminata de lectura en la mejora de la comprensión lectora en los estudiantes del cuarto grado “A” de primaria de la Institución Educativa Andrés Avelino Cáceres Dorregaray, Aucayacu, 2023. Tipo básico, nivel descriptivo, aplicada, preexperimental con un solo grupo de trabajo. Variable: “caminata de lectura” en la comprensión lectora. Población constituida por 130 estudiantes, grupo experimental a 32 estudiantes del cuarto grado “A”. La técnica: la observación. Conclusión: que la estrategia “caminata de lectura” en la comprensión lectora, donde los promedios son 14,74 y 19,41 del pretest y postest respectivamente, asimismo, según el test de Wilcoxon el nivel de significancia es 0.003 < 0.05, por lo que decimos que la estrategia “caminata de lectura” influyó significativamente en la mejora de la comprensión lectora, del mismo modo, en la tabla 5 y figura 4 advertimos que, en el postest 22 estudiantes lograron el nivel AD (logro destacado) haciendo un 81,48%, que nos indica que la estrategia “caminata de lectura” influyó significativamente en la mejora de la comprensión lectora.
Reading walk in reading comprehension in students of the fourth grade of primary education - Aucayacu, 2023. Objective: Determine the influence of the reading walk strategy in improving reading comprehension in students of the fourth grade "A" of primary school of the Andrés Avelino Cáceres Dorregaray Educational Institution, Aucayacu, 2023. Basic type, descriptive level, applied, pre-experimental with a single work group. Variable: “reading walk” in reading comprehension. Population consisting of 130 students, experimental group of 32 students from the fourth grade “A”. The technique: observation. Conclusion: that the “reading walk” strategy in reading comprehension, where the averages are 14.74 and 19.41 of the pretest and posttest respectively, also, according to the Wilcoxon test the level of significance is 0.003 < 0.05, therefore that we say that the “reading walk” strategy significantly influenced the improvement of reading comprehension, in the same way, in table 5 and figure 4 we notice that, in the post-test, 22 students achieved the AD level (outstanding achievement) with an 81 .48%, which indicates that the “reading walk” strategy significantly influenced the improvement of reading comprehension.
Reading walk in reading comprehension in students of the fourth grade of primary education - Aucayacu, 2023. Objective: Determine the influence of the reading walk strategy in improving reading comprehension in students of the fourth grade "A" of primary school of the Andrés Avelino Cáceres Dorregaray Educational Institution, Aucayacu, 2023. Basic type, descriptive level, applied, pre-experimental with a single work group. Variable: “reading walk” in reading comprehension. Population consisting of 130 students, experimental group of 32 students from the fourth grade “A”. The technique: observation. Conclusion: that the “reading walk” strategy in reading comprehension, where the averages are 14.74 and 19.41 of the pretest and posttest respectively, also, according to the Wilcoxon test the level of significance is 0.003 < 0.05, therefore that we say that the “reading walk” strategy significantly influenced the improvement of reading comprehension, in the same way, in table 5 and figure 4 we notice that, in the post-test, 22 students achieved the AD level (outstanding achievement) with an 81 .48%, which indicates that the “reading walk” strategy significantly influenced the improvement of reading comprehension.
Palabras clave
Caminata de lectura, comprensión lectora.