La matemática lúdica en el aprendizaje implicito en los estudiantes del segundo grado de educación primaria, Aucayacu 2022
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Instituto de Educación Superior Pedagógico Público José Crespo y Castillo
El estudio en cuestión emplea un enfoque cuantitativo, con el objetivo de delinear la asociación del fenómeno en investigación. La población estuvo constituida de 53 estudiantes, así mismo la muestra fue tomada toda la población, con un muestreo no probabilística. Se aplicaron los juegos matemáticos y como instrumento para recolectar los datos fueron las pruebas de pre y pos test, que constaba de 8 preguntas según las dimensiones de las variables en estudio. Previo a examinar la influencia entre las matemáticas lúdicas en el aprendizaje implícito en estudiantes de segundo grado, estas pruebas fueron debidamente validados.
Dado que el objetivo de este estudio es manipular la variable independiente bajo investigación, cae dentro de la clasificación de investigación aplicada. Este tipo de investigación se preocupa por describir cómo estas variables deben ser
utilizadas por los profesionales en el campo, lo que asegura su confiabilidad y consistencia. Las calificaciones utilizadas en este estudio van de 0 a 20 de nota, lo que permite a los investigadores valorar la frecuencia de la experiencia. Para determinar la influencia que existente entre nuestras variables se ha tomado en consideración el muy conocido prueba de la U de Mann Whitney, evidenciándose una influencia significativa entre las variables la matemática lúdica en el aprendizaje implícito.
El resultado obtenido permite comprender que las matemáticas lúdicas abarcan la incorporación del aprendizaje implícito como una plataforma de entretenimiento, como un juego educativo tal como se demostró con los resultados de la U de Mann Whitney, lo que nos permite inferir que este enfoque promueve el desarrollo de habilidades superiores de la mente como el razonamiento lógico de una manera divertida y atractiva.
The study in question uses a quantitative approach, with the objective of delineating the association of the phenomenon under investigation. The population was made up of 53 students, likewise the entire population was taken as a sample, with non-probabilistic sampling. Mathematical games were applied and as an instrument to collect data were the pre- and post-tests, which consisted of 8 questions according to the dimensions of the variables under study. Prior to examining the influence of playful mathematics on implicit learning in second grade students, these tests were duly validated. Since the objective of this study is to manipulate the independent variable under investigation, it falls under the classification of applied research. This type of research is concerned with describing how these variables should be used by professionals in the field, which ensures their reliability and consistency. The ratings used in this study range from 0 to 20, allowing researchers to assess the frequency of the experience. To determine the influence that exists between our variables, the well-known Mann Whitney U test has been taken into consideration, showing a significant influence between the variables of playful mathematics on implicit learning. The result obtained allows us to understand that playful mathematics encompasses the incorporation of implicit learning as an entertainment platform, as an educational game as demonstrated with the results of the Mann Whitney U, which allows us to infer that this approach promotes development. of higher mind skills such as logical reasoning in a fun and engaging way.
The study in question uses a quantitative approach, with the objective of delineating the association of the phenomenon under investigation. The population was made up of 53 students, likewise the entire population was taken as a sample, with non-probabilistic sampling. Mathematical games were applied and as an instrument to collect data were the pre- and post-tests, which consisted of 8 questions according to the dimensions of the variables under study. Prior to examining the influence of playful mathematics on implicit learning in second grade students, these tests were duly validated. Since the objective of this study is to manipulate the independent variable under investigation, it falls under the classification of applied research. This type of research is concerned with describing how these variables should be used by professionals in the field, which ensures their reliability and consistency. The ratings used in this study range from 0 to 20, allowing researchers to assess the frequency of the experience. To determine the influence that exists between our variables, the well-known Mann Whitney U test has been taken into consideration, showing a significant influence between the variables of playful mathematics on implicit learning. The result obtained allows us to understand that playful mathematics encompasses the incorporation of implicit learning as an entertainment platform, as an educational game as demonstrated with the results of the Mann Whitney U, which allows us to infer that this approach promotes development. of higher mind skills such as logical reasoning in a fun and engaging way.
Palabras clave
Matemática lúdica, Aprendizaje implícito